Below are a list of the requirements for the Download version of ClickCastX.
The download versions of ClickcastX are PHP based and require a UNIX based server running Wowza Media Server. ClickcastX will not work on a shared environment and requires either a dedicated server or a Virtual Private Server (VPS) with its own unique IP address.
- Linux or FreeBSD dedicated server or VPS server. 1 gig of ram, 20 gigs of HD space.
- SSH Shell Access for us to Install the Program.
- PHP 7x
- Mod Rewrite Enabled for the Domain we will install it on.
- Smarty 3.0.4 or 3.0.5 or higher
- MySQL 3.23 or higher (PHPmyadmin for us to install the DB)
- Apache 1.3 or higher
- Sendmail 8.14.4 or higher
- Ioncube Client (free from ioncube)
- The ability to make similinks as required for Wowza
- Php Safe Mode (off) Must have ability to switch this to off. Access to Root to change PHP.ini file or Control Panel to change Safe mode to off.
- FFmpeg 0.6.1 (your host will need to install this) With the ability to encode h.264 and h.263 video and aac audio with all the default presets set.
- Wowza Media Server
Please Note: We only install the product for you, you cannot get a download link from us. All download versions come with free upgrades and support. We do NOT support your server. It is up to YOU the CLIENT to support your server. And for you THE CLIENT to have yourself or hosting company install the required software and operating system in order to make ClickcastX work.
ClickCastX is SIX different CMS systems in ONE!
* Photo set content management system (CMS) – upload photo sets in large resolution size and it will automatically make thumbnails, zips and add watermarks.
* Video set (CMS) – upload and encode videos
* Membership CMS – upload photo or video content and product it under a simple membership system sell content with many popular adult billing companies.
* Video on Demand (VOD) Software – sell video or photo content – pay per view – users can watch or download content for a set price and time period you determine.
* Digital Downloads – sell video clips or photo set zips.
* Live Cam – go live with your own models – users can watch pay per minute, tipping and much more.
Looking to customize your ClickCastX License?
Testimonials from our clients…
We were paying almost $600 per month for a license to a system which only allowed us to do pay per minute and load minutes. With your system we were able to add physical products like DVDs, clothing from shoots and much more. We also switched to allowing our customers to load by using credits which has enabled them to use their balances for purchasing anything on the site including products, pay per view rentals and pay per minute videos. Thank you and we really love the new design and options are customers get. What a difference to our bottom line!

SillyGirls Video
Akira Lane and SillyGirlsVideoI have been one or your first clients all the way back in 2007 when you first customized my OScommerce to enable digital downloads. Since then you have always been there to support my site whenever we had a server problem, needed an upgrade to your software and in the creation of custom workflow modules we needed becasue of the over 5000+ videos we have running only on 1 server. You recommended to us a great hosting company and we thank you for all your support. Thanks Gary.

Size Zone
Size ZoneGuys, thanks for all your help you have been nothing but awesome! XXXX. I have 5000 fans on Facebook and you got my site going in only a few days! Thanks for implementing ccbill so easily, helping me with getting my CCBILL account approved, adding my slider images for me and getting me live in just 3 days! You are my fans! You even taught me how to add content and use FTP for the first time!

Norma Jene
Norma JeneI have to say your professionalism an attention to detail in handling all our websites over the years has been nothing short of amazing. We are now in our 6th year of using ClickCastX for our site and I have to say thank you for all your support in helping us setup our content, upgrading us to your new versions, migrating our content and even customizing our design for us and providing us a complete turnkey solution. Thank you so much from Germany.

Willem Wester
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is ClickCast?
ClickcastX is complete turnkey photo, video, digital and physical product software platform. You can simple upload and encode video content or full sized photos or create products and assign ways in which to make money from it. Pay-Per View, Pay-Per-Minute, Digital Downloads, Membership based and much more.
3. Are there any contracts to license ClickCastX?
No. All our hosted and download licenses have no time restrictions on them. You can cancel at any time. In some cases we can also put your account on hold for a certain amount of time allowing to come back at a later time with all your content / license intact.
5. Does ClickcastX allow CDN or Third Party Embedding of Video?
Yes. ClickcastX allows any kind of “iframe” or any similar code to be inserted instead of using ClickcastX native video player. ClickcastX works with Webair’s CDN, Amazon and host of other CDNs as well.
2. What versions of ClickCastX are there?
Currently there are two versions of the new ClickcastX available. One is a download version which is installed by us onto your Unix server and the other is a hosted version. Both versions are similar in the features they provide. ClickcastX is fully white-label capable. Clients control their own domain’s and we do not require any branding on our installs.
4. Is the ClickCastX code open?
No. Only our template files, css and in database is open. We also provide an API in order for our clients to integrate third party elements into the frontend and admin areas if desired. In some cases, we may open up some our of PHP code but this is rare and usually only restricted to a few files.
6. What kind of support, upgrades and guarantees is included with ClickcastX?
We provide 24/7 ticket support of for all versions of our ClickcastX products. There is also limited phone and chat support. Most issues are resolved the day. Upgrades are always free.
ClickCastX has redefined the term Adult Site CMS!
Why settle for a simple CMS to run your adult site when you can use ClickCastX the Adult Monetization System!
Need to create 360 VR Photo or Video Content?
That’s Right ClickCastX can now create your 360 VR Content! We have a team of professional production and post-production experts with over 20 years production experience in Adult Content Production. We have people in Los Angeles, Atlanta and Texas and can come to you if needed.